正在播放:クリックシネマ 好きHD中字
クリックシネマ 好き
  • クリックシネマ 好き

  • 主演:田中丽奈  高桥一生  伊原刚志  井泽健  
  • 状态:HD中字
  • 导演:長澤雅彦  鋤田正義  本田昌広  
  • 类型:爱情片
  • 简介:  The first issue of Click-cinema; Rena Tanaka starring "I like you" trilogy.
      ●"Chashu ramen (noodles with roasted pork fillet)"
      Yokohama, in 1958. Naoko (Rena Tanaka) came up to Tokyo immediately after graduation from a junior high school, and was working in the ramen restaurant. One day she sheltered Ando (Kazuo Takahashi) who was escaping from the punk group, and they gradually became intimate for the sake of the fact that they were from the same province. However, a sad separation was waiting for them...
      Enoshima, in 1981. Sumire Hatanaka (Rena Tanaka) started for her assignment as a newcommer teacher to an elementary school in the spring of the year. The first day of the summer vacation, Sumire visited the house of Kazuo Nohara (Hironari Shimamura), a transfer student from Tokyo, who was not going to open his heart easily, and there met his father Hirosi Nohara (Tsuyoshi Ito). She felt her affections drawn toward him...
      ●"Ten count"
      Tokyo, in 2000. Miho Kusano (Rena Tanaka) who goes to a vocational school was passing empty days. One night, she finds an envelope in a park, which a boxer Haruo Takahashi (Ken Izawa) dropped there. Miho brings the envelope to the gym on the next day and, seeing the sparring match of Haruo, she feels "something" in Haruo and finds herself attracted by him...

《クリックシネマ 好き》详细介绍




视频更新时间:2024-04-23 12:37




影片导演:長澤雅彦  鋤田正義  本田昌広  

影片演员:田中丽奈  高桥一生  伊原刚志  井泽健  


剧情介绍:長澤雅彦  鋤田正義  本田昌広  导演执导的《クリックシネマ 好き》,该影片在2000日本发行,上映至今获得了较好的口碑, HD中字,由田中丽奈  高桥一生  伊原刚志  井泽健  等主演的一部不错的日语的爱情片。

  The first issue of Click-cinema; Rena Tanaka starring "I like you" trilogy.
  ●"Chashu ramen (noodles with roasted pork fillet)"
  Yokohama, in 1958. Naoko (Rena Tanaka) came up to Tokyo immediately after graduation from a junior high school, and was working in the ramen restaurant. One day she sheltered Ando (Kazuo Takahashi) who was escaping from the punk group, and they gradually became intimate for the sake of the fact that they were from the same province. However, a sad separation was waiting for them...
  Enoshima, in 1981. Sumire Hatanaka (Rena Tanaka) started for her assignment as a newcommer teacher to an elementary school in the spring of the year. The first day of the summer vacation, Sumire visited the house of Kazuo Nohara (Hironari Shimamura), a transfer student from Tokyo, who was not going to open his heart easily, and there met his father Hirosi Nohara (Tsuyoshi Ito). She felt her affections drawn toward him...
  ●"Ten count"
  Tokyo, in 2000. Miho Kusano (Rena Tanaka) who goes to a vocational school was passing empty days. One night, she finds an envelope in a park, which a boxer Haruo Takahashi (Ken Izawa) dropped there. Miho brings the envelope to the gym on the next day and, seeing the sparring match of Haruo, she feels "something" in Haruo and finds herself attracted by him...


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